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PICUS project at a glance!

PICUS project has received funding from POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020.

Goal:Our goal is to acquire information about the execution technique, the state of conservation and previous interventions of stratified structures by means of a repeatable, low cost and easy-to-use tool for conservators and restorers.
CUP: F85F21001500009
Starting date: 15.4.2021
Final date: 14.10.2023
Funding: € 149.625,00
Numbers of deliverables: 11
Numbers of tasks: 4
Number of partners: 3


Partners and facilities

PICUS project involves 3 partners:
Tuscia UniversityDipartimento per la Innovazione nei sistemi biologici, agroalimentari e forestali
Roma Tre UniversityIngegneria Civile, Informatica e delle Tecnologie Aeronautiche
Italian National Research CouncilInstitute of Marine Engineering

Facilities and lab:
ACULAB Laboratorio di AcustoElettronica (Chief Giosuè Caliano) – Università degli Studi Roma Tre
LARCH Laboratory of Acoustic Research application on Cultural Heritage (Chief Paola Calicchia) – Italian National research Council
Laboratorio di conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali (Chief Maria Ida Catalano) – DIBAF



STARTING DATE (Kick-off meeting)

PICUS project starts with funding from POR FESR LAZIO 2014 –2020.


Deliverable D1

Hardware design of PICUS system.
Partner: Roma Tre University


Deliverable D2

Software design of PICUS system.
Partner: Roma Tre University


Deliverable D4

Hardware design of acoustic module.
Partner: CNR


Deliverable D7

Calibration criteria and use of the instrument
Partner: Tuscia University

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PICUS project has received funding from – POR FESR LAZIO 2014 –2020 – CUP F85F21001500009 – Project Code POR A0375E0023

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